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Face Reality Acne Program


About The Program

Our program has a 90% success rate home care instructions are followed and you come in every two weeks for acne treatments. It typically takes 3-6 months to get clear. Many clients see a noticeable difference in their acne within the first two months. During the consultation, we evaluate and discuss acne triggers such as: diet, hormones, stress levels, cosmetics, and lifestyle. After the consultation, you will receive an informational packet, a customized skincare regimen, and a personal treatment plan.

Face Reality Products

Our Acne Program requires a purchase of products specifically formulated to treat acne and acne prone skin. You can expect to pay $150-$200 at your consultation appointment for your first set of home care products that will be used daily. These products can last up to 2-3 months when used as directed.


Commitment is Key

YOUR commitment to getting your skin clear will be a major factor in how well you experience results.Your progress will also depend on the care and treatments that are best for your particular situation - making adjustments as needed until you're able to get healthy, clear skin!

Follow up appointments and treatments are scheduled every two weeks until the skin is clear. Treatments vary depending on skin type as well as severity. Chemical Peels and Acne Hydrating Treatments are done every two weeks at the Follow Up appointments to address acne, skin texture, skin tone, scarring, as well as the skin's overall appearance and health. Extractions are to be expected when participating

Acne Boot Camp Treatments

Virtual Or In Spa Consult

There is plenty of education involved in the consultation process, strict home care is designed for you and your skin type.  A home care regimen will be tailored to your skin type, & acne severity. We will go over what acne is, how to treat it, diet & lifestyle considerations that contribute to acne. This is a virtual consultation & can be done over Facetime or Zoom. Follow ups are included free of charge in the acne program every two weeks till acne is clear after purchasing home care products.

Acne Treatment

For our Acne Program clients. Once you have scheduled your Acne Consultation you will receive treatments bi-weekly to maintain any acne coming to the surface of the skin while getting clear. This treatment can be customized depending on the skin type & severity. Chemical Peels or Enzyme Masks may be used during these treatments. Photos will be taken to watch the progression of the skin. Skin analysis and extractions are to always be expected.

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